| deosebit, elegant, design unic, Editie Limitata - doar 100 bucati ever made!
| comandat si produs la celebra orologerie elvetiana Louis Erard
| mecanism automatic elvetian by ETA 2824-2;
| carcasa din otel inoxidabil L316;
| geam cristal safir natural;
| numerotate (inseriere) pe capac
| cadran "navy blue" decorat cu inscriptii "dark gold" reprezentand aeroflota militara USA incepand cu al II-lea razboi mondial, precum si cu sigla aurita "US Air Force" - vulturul cu aripile deschise (centrata);
| coroana (cheita) infiletata - pentru protectie;
| diametrul carcasei 48mm fara coroana (50mm coroana inclusa) - XL big dial!
| greutate 96g
| grosime carcasa 11mm
| capac infiletat, cu vizor - see through - se poate vedea mecanismul;
| curea din piele ori military style (poate diferii fata de cea din poza de prezentare);
| catarama din otel - inchidere normala, tip pin;
| livrat in cutie, CU factura si garantie 24 luni
| poate fi ambalat pentru a fi oferit cadou - va rugam bifati optiunea mai jos
Avem placerea sa va oferim un ceas special, deosebit! Un design unic produs intr-un numar extrem de limitat de exemplare, este dedicat in totalitate fortelor navale si aeriene americane. Pe scurt, istoria acestui produs de exceptie in viziunea designerului...
"This elegant Naval and Marine Corps Aviation wristwatch is a true tribute to the fighting spirit of our Navy and Marine Corps. The bold gold aviation wing is surrounded by a circular tableau of all the aircraft - by numerical identification - from World War II until today. The ubiquitous F4F to the work horse F18 Hornet are clearly shown among a distinguished circle of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. We have also included several USAF fighters such as the F86 Sabre because many Navy and Marine flyers served with USAF groups during World War II and Korea e.g., Senator John Glen, a fighter ACE of the Korean War. Technically, this is a Swiss made movement - valjoux 2824 with 25 jewels and 10 atmospheres of water resistance. The date complication is circular and gold with blue numerals. This is a limited edition of 100 pieces. The dial is navy blue with gold highlights.
A skeleton back reveals the fine workings of a true time piece - a perfect tribute to Naval and Marine Corps Aviation. The best part about the MMI brand is that I designed it and manufactured it through Louis Erard, and it has a 2 year warranty aswell as my personal guarantee."
Joseph Grossman M.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1978
1/5Cav, 1st Air Cav,
RVN, 1969-70
@ @ @ Original 100% garantat @ @ @
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